Archive | April, 2017

Lise’s Book Is Available!

10 Apr

I’ve wanted to write a book from the time my mother first put one in my hands. What I didn’t realize is that just when you think you’ve written something brilliant, you discover it’s awful or needs serious revisions. So as with knitting, you rip out stitches and try again. And again and again.

Well, the book is finally here!!!!! You can now buy it on Amazon or through the book’s website.  A glimpse of the cover is below:

Own Your life Front Cover

Writing this book has been a process that allowed me to synthesize my thoughts about healing while also reaching out to others. I am grateful to all of you who have influenced this book in some way, shape or form. I hope you enjoy it! If you do, please pass word along about it on your social media platforms of choice, particularly those of you who have many friends and followers. That would mean a great deal as word of mouth is how books gain a reputation. Consider recommending it to your book clubs, social organizations, clients, and friends as well. Happy reading and be sure to OWN YOUR LIFE!